【发布】ClrMamePro 3.52

2004-12-23 12:49 来源: http://bbs.chinaemu.org 作者:lzsgodmax 网友评论 条 浏览次数 977 转入论坛浏览
最好的mame rom校验整理工具CM又更新了,大多都是杂项的更新和bug的修正,大家自己看看吧

misc: all checksum fix algorithms are now fully 32/64bit (zip/file)
misc: all ziproutines fully support 32bit zipfilesize now (31bit before)
misc: added datfile header entry: comment
misc: optional "show leading 0x" is now used for sha1 and md5, too
misc: profiler datinfo shows missing disks/samples, too
misc: cleaned up scanner-advanced (moved some options to the popupmenu, one to zipsettings)
misc: minor tooltips/text/menu changes
fixed: delete->all incomplete sets didn't remove sets with only missing nodumps
fixed: some major index issues when a datfile had double folder entries

